Melissa Biel focused her doctoral work on nonprofit hospital engagement in community benefit. She served as the Project Specialist for the Advancing the State of the Art in Community Benefit demonstration project. Biel Consulting, Inc. works with numerous hospitals and hospital systems on their community benefit programs, ensuring compliance with state and federal community benefit regulations. Specific community benefit consulting activities include:
Biel Consulting, Inc. has broad experience in analyzing programs and services, and evaluating results. Biel Consulting, Inc. can assist you with:
Biel Consulting, Inc. has success in obtaining grant funds from foundation, corporate and government sources for:
Areas of focus include: nursing practice, community health care programs, community clinics, youth programs, emergency food, social service programs, and job development.
Our expertise is in translating data into practical information that drives organizational growth. Biel Consulting, Inc. has experience in all phases of primary and secondary data collection, analysis and reporting. We have expert knowledge in data collection through focus groups, interviews, and written and electronic surveys. We will assist you with establishing an evidence base for your business decisions through a variety of methods. Services include: